• 03-15
    21st Annual Meeting of the Chinese Neurosurgical Society
    On March 8-9, 21st Annual Meeting of the Chinese Neurosurgical Society was successfully held in Kunming, Spring city. The theme of the conference is: "Gathering in the South of Colorful Clouds, Understanding the Mysteries of the Brain", to jointly ex
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iMedcare exhibited on the 11th Asian-Oceanian International Congress on Skull Base Societies
From 27th to 28th October 2012, the 11th Asian-Oceanian International Congress on Skull Base Societies was held in Beijing, China.
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iMedcare exhibited on Chinese Medicine Neurosurgery Section the 11th Academic Conference
From 11th to 14th October 2012, Chinese Medicine Neurosurgery Section the 11th Academic Conference was held successfully in Hangzhou.
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Sophysa Hydrocephalus Treatment Seminar—LP shunting technology
During September 19th and 23th, 2012, Sophysa Hydrocephalus Treatment Seminar - LP shunting technology, were held by iMedcare and Sophysa company in China.
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ICP&ICT Monitor training meeting in Tiantan Hospital
April, the 27th, Christophe Boyer, the Chief Engineer of Sophysa SA, came to China as the invitation of Tiantan Hospital.
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SOPHYSA Hydrocephaly Treatment Seminar
April 7th, 2011, Sophysa hydrocephaly treatment seminar was held in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University.
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